Newport city hall newport city council
Newport City Hall.

Six residents have thrown their name into consideration for the two vacancies on Newport Planning Board.

Theresa Stokes, Christopher Daly, Kevin Michaud, Amanda Ward, Kett Murphy, and Derek Grinkin are the applicants who will be interviewed by Newport City Council on December 16.

The two vacancies on the nine-member board came earlier this week when Newport City Council accepted the resignations of Steve Berlucchi and Elizabeth Fuerte from the board. Berlucchi resigned because he was moving to Florida, Fuerte resigned because she has been elected to serve as an At-Large Councilor.

According to a meeting notice from the City Council, the candidates will be interviewed in the following order;

6 pm – Theresa Stokes

6:15 pm – Christopher Daly

6:30 pm – Kevin Michaud

6:45 pm – Amanda Ward

7 pm – Kett Murphy

7:15 pm – Derek Grinkin

The meeting will be held remotely and is open to the public. Telephone access is available by calling 1-888-788-0099 or 1-833-548-0276 (meeting id is 939 1879 2399) or via Zoom (

According to the City Council notice, “The Council may also discuss at the conclusion of the interview how they may vote on applicants seeking an appointment to the above board or commission at a regularly scheduled Council meeting at which a vote to appoint an applicant is considered”.

According to the City of Newport’s website, The Planning Board is the steward for the City’s Comprehensive Plan, which sets the long-term goal for the City and is a key measure by which large development projects and zoning relief are evaluated. The Planning Board also issues demolition approvals (for principal structures outside of Historic District Overlay Zones) and subdivisions, provides a recommendation to the City Council for all zoning amendments, and provides a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Review for Development Plan Review of large developments that are not permitted by right. The Planning Board provides an annual report of its activities to the City Council and receives staff support from the Department of Planning and Economic Development. 

The Planning Board members are appointed to three-year terms by the City Council. Officers are elected by the Board members at the annual meeting each December and serve for the subsequent calendar year.

Those candidates that City Council votes to appoint will join Kim Salerno (Chair), Jeff Brooks (Vice Chair), Melissa Pattavina (Secretary), Liam Barry, Richard Haggis, Paul Marshall, and John Oliveira as members of the Planning Board.