opinion Newport Rhode Island

Throughout my six years as State Representative for RI House District 75, I promised to represent Newport honestly and transparently.  Throughout my years of service, I have listened carefully and worked tirelessly for Newport and Rhode Island.  When I decided to run for a fourth term, I had no idea the challenges that we would face as a state and a community.  Now, more than ever, we must Keep Newport Moving.

I am asking you for your vote for a fourth term.   2020 has been like no other.  In my role as State Legislator, I have assisted constituents with filing unemployment claims, renewing their drivers’ licenses, applying for small business grants and loans, getting Newport children safely back to school and navigating the challenges that the COVID virus has presented.  I have completely supported easier access to mail ballots for all voters this year. I have done my best to represent Newport.  

I look forward to a fourth term.  In my next term, I will govern collaboratively to move Rhode Island forward, because we are all tired of the divisiveness that plagues our communities each day in the news; and I will not abandon my values or the interests of the City of Newport.  

The next 2 years are critical to guiding Rhode Island and Newport out of this pandemic.  I promise that my efforts at the State House will be for full and ethical participation and transparency. I promise to support increased State municipal aid and education funding because this pandemic has had a tremendous financial impact on our city and our state. Keeping government stable is good for businesses and families. I will continue to be a champion for the environment and to support investments in our aging infrastructure. I promise to support efforts to build a balanced quality of life for our aging community while supporting our seasonal economy and insuring stability for year round residents.   I fully support investments in expanding the Newport economy with an emphasis on preserving our historic neighborhoods. 

Policymakers must govern collaboratively and openly in order to move Rhode Island and Newport forward.  Community leaders and elected officials must work together to bridge the wide gaps that have divided us. Voters want policy makers to be responsive, available and transparent now more than ever. Voters want policy makers to advocate for solutions that are smart and effective. Voters want to be part of the conversation and the decisions.  Please join me on this journey.

I am asking you for your vote to serve Newport for a fourth term. Thank you for your confidence in me these last 6 years.

Lauren Carson