Newport Police Patrol Commander, Captain Michael Naylor; David Boscia, Chief Clinical Officer, Newport Mental Health; Dayna Gladstein, President & CEO, Newport Mental Health; Newport Mayor Xay Khamsyvoravong; Newport Fire Chief Harp Donnelly. (Photo courtesy Newport Mental Health)

In a small but moving ceremony at the historic City Hall, Newport Mayor Xay Khamsyvoravong officially proclaimed May 2024 as “Mental Health Month” in the City of Newport.

Those present at the reading of the proclamation were Dayna Gladstein, President & CEO, Newport Mental Health; David Boscia, Chief Clinical Officer, Newport Mental Health; Newport Fire Chief Harp Donnelly; and Newport Police Patrol Commander, Captain Michael Naylor.

Proclamation efforts were led by a local resident, who serves as a volunteer facilitator for NAMI and whose loved one is a client of Newport Mental Health. She says, “This effort wasn’t about the person I support, but rather about all those in Newport living with mental illness. Community involvement is critical to ensuring that no one with mental illness – at any stage – walks alone.”

The proclamation states, in part, that “mental health conditions are real and prevalent in our nation; and with effective treatment, individuals with mental health conditions can recover and lead full, productive lives,” and notes that the Mayor does “call upon the citizens, government agencies, public and private institutions, businesses, and schools in Newport, Rhode Island, to recommit our community to increasing awareness and understanding of mental health, the steps our citizens can take to protect their mental health, and the need for appropriate and accessible services for all people with mental illnesses at all stages.”

The Mayor thanked the police and fire departments for their work as community liaisons and for their role in making Newport a leader in the mental health space. He also expressed his appreciation for the work of Newport Mental Health in the community, and Chief Donnelly pointed specifically to the positive impact that the Rhode Island Outreach (RIO) team is making to divert those with behavioral health concerns away from the emergency department.

“We’re grateful for this appreciation shown by the City of Newport, Mayor Khamsyvoravong, and the thoughtful resident who proposed the proclamation and worked on the beautiful language,” says Gladstein. “On behalf of the many agencies and professionals doing the important work of providing care and support to those struggling with mental health and substance use challenges, we are both proud and humbled by this proclamation.”

The reading of the proclamation can be viewed at

Source: Newport Mental Health

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