What’s Up Newp exists to keep you informed about what’s happening locally. And we believe that through this important work, we also strengthen our community and our democracy.

Throughout this year that has been full of crises, our business revenue took a hit as MANY other businesses have. But, we remain committed to our mission of providing local, independent, and unbiased news, information, and journalism to Newport County, Rhode Island, and beyond.

In 2020, we’ve published more than 3,576 stories (many of the stories you can’t and haven’t found anywhere else), hosted more than 100 live video conversations with newsmakers, and have been there for you, and our community, every single hour, day, week, and month of this challenging year.

We are deeply committed to investing back into our community and to using our platform to highlight all that we can that’s happening in our community.

But we can’t do any of this without you.

If What’s Up Newp has provided you with at least $5 worth of knowledge, information, and/or entertainment this year, please consider becoming a What’s Up Newp supporter.

Reader support is what truly makes what we do possible. Approximately 40% of our revenue in 2020 will come from What’s Up Newp supporters. 100% of that revenue is invested in bringing our readers more of the stories, content, and journalism that they want and need.

Delivering worthwhile local news is truly a community-wide effort. It takes a dedicated crew and a loyal readership working together to make it happen. If you appreciate what we do, please consider supporting us today! 

Thank you for supporting our locally-owned, independent newsroom,

Ryan Belmore
Owner & Publisher, What’s Up Newp

Please Note: What’s Up Newp is a for-profit locally owned, independent online news publisher. While contributions do get poured right back into our coverage of serving you and our community, they are NOT tax-deductible.