Rep. Lauren Carson

Representative Lauren Carson today emailed supporters and constituents to announce that she is running for her sixth term in the Rhode Island House of Representatives, representing District 75 (Newport). 

Representative Carson, a Democrat, was first elected to the House of Representatives in November 2014 to represent District 75. She was named a Deputy Majority Leader in January 2021.

Representative Carson is the second vice chair of the House Innovation, Internet, and Technology Committee and the second vice chair of the House Environment and Natural Resources Committee. She serves on the House Oversight Committee and chairs its Tourism, Arts, and Recreation Subcommittee. She is also a member of the House Small Business Committee.

Campaign Announcement


Newport, RI – Rhode Island State House Representative Lauren Carson has announced that she will run for reelection for her seat representing Newport in Rhode Island House District 75.

Carson was first elected to the Rhode Island House of Representatives in 2014. In her time at the State House, Carson has been particularly active on issues related to the environment, small business, tourism, government transparency, aging issues and serving her constituents. 

Carson said, “I consider serving the people of Newport my highest priority. Whether it’s helping someone settle a tax claim or a question with the Department of Motor Vehicles, I am always available to help. I also interface with the Newport City Council for state-level needs. During this 2024 session, I worked closer than ever with the Council to pass bills bringing new dollars to Newport to invest in our infrastructure and climate resilience.”

Climate continues to be a pillar of Carson’s work. In 2017, she sponsored a law requiring education on flooding and sea rise for local planning board members and created a unified statewide application process for solar panel permitting. In 2021, she sponsored the Act on Climate, which sets enforceable climate emissions reduction mandates. She continues to organize the Aquidneck Island Climate Caucus to engage residents in policy discussion on implementation of the Act on Climate. She works closely with the Tree and Open Space Commission on bills to regulate tree trimming by utilities, and coordinates with the Waterfront Commission to manage houseboats in Newport harbor.

Since 2023, Carson has led statewide efforts to study aging policies as well as the impacts of short-term rentals. She currently chairs two House Study Commissions to explore these issues and recommend policy to the House of Representatives. She serves on the House Internet, Small Business and Oversight Committees where she is chair of the Sub-Committee on Arts, Tourism and Recreation.  She also serves as Vice-Chair of the House Environment Committee.

On her time in office, Carson said, “I have done my best to represent Newport honestly and transparently. I take this responsibility very seriously. I promise to continue my tradition of holding constituent meetings throughout the district. I promise to be available, to respond to your needs and I promise to govern thoughtfully and honestly.”

Carson obtained a master’s degree in history from the University of Rhode Island in 2008 and a Master of Business degree from URI in 1992. She earned a BA in Sociology in 1976 from Ramapo College and is a graduate of Benedictine Academy both in New Jersey. Born on February 26, 1954, she is the mother of a son, Andrew. She has lived in Newport for over thirty years.

For more information about Carson’s background and plans for her next term, you can contact her directly at 401-523-1143 or or visit her website at

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